Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sometimes when I close my eyes, all I see are Chagall horses...

The Old Woman Mounted the Ifrit's Back..., 1948
I love the escapism of Marc Chagall's whimsical dreamlike paintings. I always think of Chagall when I'm procrastinating, like now. I should be writing an essay, but instead I'm dreaming about Chagall horses. A few years ago, when I should have been studying, I painted a Chagall nightscape on our fridge. When we moved house, the fridge was destined for the tip, so the door came off and was relocated to my wardrobe, where it stayed for several years. I was going to upload a photo for you, but I don't know where it is anymore...probably reunited with the rest of the fridge.

Here is some inspiration for your own day dreaming...

Mounting the Ebony Horse..., 1948
He Went Up to the Couch..., 1948
Clown on a Horse, 1927

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